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New Research
Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center and the University of Miami Frost School of Music are collaboratively studying the impact of music therapy and mindfulness in cancer care.
Cancer.N et Blog Post
In a Cancer.Net blog post, Drs. Frank Penedo and Patricia Moreno emphasize the role of survivorship research in enhancing the post-treatment quality of life for cancer survivors, addressing their physical, financial, and emotional challenges. The post details research methodologies and advocates for cancer survivors' participation to diversify and enrich research outcomes.
New Role

Dr. Frank Penedo has been named Associate Director for Population Sciences. In his new role, Dr. Penedo is responsible for guiding Sylvester’s population science initiatives and shaping its vision. Dr. Penedo will report to the Cancer Center Director and work closely with Research Program leaders to promote interdisciplinary research, particularly addressing cancer disparities within Sylvester's diverse catchment area.

The 2023 Sylvester Cancer Survivorship Symposium, held Oct. 20 at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Coconut Grove, focused on finding solutions for the challenges cancer survivors face.
In the news
Breast cancer survivor U.S. Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz hosted a dynamic Cancer Survivorship Summit Oct. 16, with first lady Dr. Jill Biden and national, state and regional health leaders, including Stephen D. Nimer, M.D.
In the news

New Mental Health Clinic for Cancer Survivors Opens: The Fields Galley Cancer Survivorship Emotional Wellness Clinic helps people who are vulnerable to anxiety, depression and suicide.

In the news
Dr. Frank J. Penedo Honored with ISBM Distinguished Scientist Award, the award recognizes Dr. Penedo’s contributions to behavioral medicine.
In the news
Dr. Frank Penedo Elected to National Advisory Council on Minority Health Disparities. In the new role, Dr. Penedo will help set national research priorities at the NIH for addressing health disparities.
In the news
In a June 2023 paper published by the Journal of the American Medical Association, Sylvester researchers found that Black race, Hispanic ethnicity, and factors such as anxiety, depression, pain, poor physical function and low health-related quality-of-life scores were associated with a greater number of unmet needs, leading to increased risk for ED visits and hospitalizations.
In the news
In a paper published in the high-impact Annual Review of Psychology, researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine shared decades of data from NCI-funded studies showing how stress reduction approaches, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and relaxation training, can improve outcomes for cancer patients.
In the news
Cancer experts representing Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center, part of the University of Miami Health System, joined members of Congress on Capitol Hill December 14 in support of the Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act, which was recently introduced.

The Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center’s second annual Cancer Survivorship Symposium offered scientific and patient/caregiver sessions and attracted more than 300 attendees.

The BMHO Program advances knowledge in four broad themes of inquiry: Behavioral and Psychosocial Processes in Health and Patient Reported Outcomes (PROs), Sociocultural Determinants of Health, and Biobehavioral Mechanisms & Chronic Disease Management Interventions. The platform for this work involves prospective observational and intervention studies in cancer, CVD and HIV/AIDS that address: multiple pathways (social, biological, psychosocial) in health outcomes; health care delivery and health services; biopsychoscial and sociocultural mechanisms in the context of primary and secondary prevention of CVD, and cancer survivorship; and technology based and electronic medical record integrated assessment and intervention studies that target symptom burden and toxicity management in cancer. Most studies involve a biobehavioral component with emphasis on endocrine regulation, inflammatory & angiogenic pathways, immunocompetence, and gene x environment interactions. Our work emphasizes several methods including ecosocial and biopsychosocial approaches; CBT, mindfulness and stress management interventions; technology implementation; translational and team science; and advanced statistical methods.

Survivorship Care and Cancer Survivorship Pograms

The Cancer Survivorship Program aims to enhance a patient's physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being by addressing a range of issues, including managing side effects of treatment, improving quality of life, and promoting overall health and wellness. In this program, patients can expect personalized care plans tailored to their specific needs and goals, delivered by a team of multidisciplinary healthcare professionals who are trained in survivorship care. Through this program, cancer survivors can receive the ongoing support and care they need to live well beyond their cancer diagnosis.
